Prairieland Feeds is proud to be your Local Certified Expert Purina Dealer. We carry a full line of cattle, horse, poultry, rabbit, llama/alpaca, goat, sheep, and show feeds.

We have a Purina Lifestyle Product Specialist here on staff with us who can help answer any of your questions, help find the best feed for your animals, and is even available for farm calls to see your animals in person to come up with the best nutritional program for your success.
We are proud to be a Purina Dealer and the research that Purina puts into their feeds to ensure your animals are getting what they need is very important to us. Learn more about Purina Mills here.
We also carry many livestock and horse health supplies and supplements. Anything from grooming supplies, fly sprays, ear tags, dewormers and more!
We carry over 20 different bags of Purina Horse Feeds at the store including Ultium Competition, Ultium Gastric, Strategy GX, Strategy Healthy Edge, Enrich Plus, Impact line, and more! We have horse blankets, riding helmets, feed supplements, fly sprays, grooming supplies, and more. Not sure what feed will be best for your horses? Ask to speak to or schedule an on-farm consultation with our own Purina LPS to help select the best feed to meet your horses’ needs.
We carry all the feeds you would need to have success in your herd. We carry Purina creep feed, starter feeds, finishers, and a full line of loose and tub mineral. We all have on-hand calving supplies like milk replacer, colostrum supplements, bottles, and more. We have breeding supplies like OB lube, CIDRS, heat patches, etc. We carry general supplies like ear tags, vet wrap, electrolytes, bull rings, and more. Not sure what feed or mineral program will be best for your herd? Ask to speak or schedule an on-farm consultation with our own Purina LPS to help select the best feed to meet your cattle’s needs.
We carry Purina’s full poultry feed line from Start & Grow to Layena to Organic Layer Feeds. We also have duck pellets, water fowl diets, Gamebird Starter, Layer, and Flight Condition. We carry flock supplies such as waterers, feeders, hen treats, egg baskets, egg cleanser, diatomaceous earth, and more.
Come to our store to see the complete line of our products!